Tuesday, March 2, 2010

10 years - almost... 3/3 has arrived



Tonight as I write I am sad. A month ago tonight, might life was "right". Great job, great people, loving family. I had just had dinner with Jesse and had just snuggled in to watch Kindergarten Cop. We sent Joey off to bed and finished the movie. I shewed him off to bed because he had school in the morning.

The next day he was gone.

I'm not alone in missing him. Countless others. Nothing more heartbreaking than watching 13 years old miss their friend. Sisters and a brother...a dad...its horrible.

3/3 is tomorrow. Diagnosis dates are an anniversary we all remember. I will be wearing my 3/3 hat tomorrow in remembrance of Jesse's sad anniversary. I will be going out to eat with his close friends, his dad, my kids, and of course Charles and our friends. Together. Funny how something like this makes you forget all the other things.

Samantha, his sister, and her friend Karly filmed this video just weeks before he died for a school project. What you don't see off camera is how he fought with us and didn't want to film it - he was SO tired of talking about his diabetes.

This is how I will forever remember my Jesse. We love you little man. Your heart is big, your smile bigger. Love, Mom


Wendy said...

Dx dates are hard. Today feels especially hard. I will pray for you and your family. I'm so sorry for your loss. Jesse was amazing.

LaLa said...

I love the video - thank you so much for sharing part of Jesse with us. I am thinking about you and your family. God Bless.

meyers family said...

3/3 was the 6th Dx anniversary for our 11 year old son and 2009 triabuddy. We are sorry for your loss and thank you for everything that you have, and continue to do, to improve the lives of people with T1DM.