For the 3rd year in a row, I've brought Sean Busby, type 1 professional snowboarder, to Wisconsin to host a camp for kids. This year another foundation that normally "hosts" it canceled it at the last minute. Sean was receiving sad emails from veteran campers who were disappointed, so we trudged forward and made it happen on our own, me, Miles and Sean.
This year we returned to Devils Head Resort - the place we initially held the event. It was fun to return there and remember a lot of the great memories from our first camp. When the kids came back and thanked me over and over for saving the camp...wow....it made it all worthwhile for remembering this is about the KIDS and I'm glad Sean shares my passion in the "d" world. I've shared that passion with many people over the years and I just really reflected this weekend on those who have held onto the passion over all of these years and those who actually put kids first, and not just say they do. I digress.
What was really cool was to see how much the campers from the first year had improved in their snowboarding skills. I remember being on the hill with those very kids - Alex, Lucas, Jesse - when they were falling down and learning, just like I was! Now they whiz down the hills and halfpipes with Sean.
This year I brought the entire family. Joey (age 7) didn't want to snowboard and chose skis instead. Of course I was thrilled since I broke my tailbone boarding with Sean last year and it still is very tender. The thought of landing on it didn't appeal to me, so I happily put on skis with Joey. He was a natural at skiing! It wasn't long before he was up the chairlift with me.
I got up at 4:30 a.m. to drive Sean so he could get home to study in Salt Lake City. This trip was extra nice because Sean stayed at our house. How cute was it that Jesse's best friend came over to get Sean's autograph? I love snowboard camp and am so glad to be running the Wisconsin Camp again. I started it for Jesse, I continue it for Jesse.
What does this have to do with Triabetes? Nothing. :) But it has to do with the wonderful diabetes and sports world so I thought I would post something. Now, I'm taking a nap, lacing up running shoes and going for a swim tonight! The weather is warming up! Woo hoo!
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